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Pregnant woman holds green sprout plant near her belly as symbol of new life, wellbeing, f

Birthing Class
from a holistic health doula's approach


This class is a one on one session with mama to be. We go over your birthing desires, fears if any, and ways to prepare as much as you can prior to your baby's arrival with techniques to use the day of the birth. $80

Guided Meditation

This guided meditation is for mama to be. You will be seated or be in a supported semi reclined position to channel positive energy, release, and relax for mama and baby. Hypnobabies/ hypnotherapy can be played during the session and Reiki (energy work) is also used if requested at no additional cost. Light massage for relaxation is incorporated. This can be a single service appointment or as an add to the Birthing Class or the Prenatal Massage service. $80

Couple's Classes

Couple's Birthing Class

This is one on one class for the parents to be. This class teaches both parents, but especially your birthing partner techniques to prepare you both prior to the big day and what to do day of. $160

Couple's Massage Class 

This class guides couple's how to deepen their relationship through therapeutic touch. I feel we tend to be on the go go go and we do not grasp one another in a warm embrace enough. Touch is so healing and can bring one another together stronger. This is a professional class and sexual intent will not be tolerated. $160


Expecting Couple  _edited_edited_edited_
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